The Innovative Compact Solar Power Device
Made in Germany
Setup, Installation, Power Productions, Savings – Become Your Own Energy Provider with MyHomeSolar©
With MyHomeSolar© Made in Germany, horrendous electricity bills are a thing of the past: installed in a matter of minutes, the miniature solar power provides clean energy, reduces your overhead costs and helps fighting global warming.

With the plug‘n play compakt solar power device MyHomeSolar© you easily become your own energy provider.**
What’s best: you neither need tools nor a mechanic for the setup, launch and connection to the power grid!**
When the sun is shining MyHomeSolar© feeds the generated power directly into the in-house network and supplies your own electronic devices, first and foremost power guzzler No 1: the fridge.
- MyHomeSolar© can be installed in a breath and instantly saves up to € 200.00 energy costs annually*
- MyHomeSolar© combines top-level components and is an innovation Made in Germany
- MyHomeSolar© is completely pre-assembled upon delivery and can be set up and dismantled without tools
- MyHomeSolar© is easily expandable due to its modular design
- MyHomeSolar© can be set-up anywhere on rooftops, balconies or in gardens
- MyHomeSolar© is convincing due to its forward-looking, high-class design (patent applied for)
- MyHomeSolar© provides a CO2-free contribution to the fight against global warming
Novel Technologies and Premium Components Perfectly United in MyHomeSolar©
- PV-Module S-Class Vision 230 P54 by Centrosolar AG
- Design and production „Made in Germany“
- Lightweight champion: glass-glass-module with the best international kg/Wp ratio
- Increased efficiency through positive power classification
- Optimum durability through use of scratch-proof, heat-strengthened solar glass (front and back)
- Micro inverter by AE Conversion (Made in Germany) with internal NA guard according to VDE AR-N 4105 (obligatory in Germany)
- Continuous performance regulation of the device upon increasing grid frequency according to VDE 4105 (50,2 Hz problem)
- High-class anodized alloy support system, design and production „Made in Germany“
► download informations about MyHomeSolar ► download info glass/glass panel ► more about glass/glass panel
MyHomeSolar‘s© annual power output depends on the number and location oft he devices as well as on the available solar energy. A one-module MyHomeSolar© delivers 0.230 kWp (230 Wp), and the two-module MyHomeSolar© Double accordingly provides 0.46 kWp (460 Wp). Upon optimum alignment (facing south, 25°-30° angle), an annual output of 1 kWh/Wp can be expected. The assumed annual generation of 460 kWh is based on your MyHomeSolar‘s© output (e.g. 460 Wp) multiplied by 1 kWh/Wp.
Assuming electricity costs of € 0.2609 per kWh, the first year brings savings of appx. € 120.00. Based on the assumed energy cost increase of 5 % p.a. and a 20 year lifespan the savings add up to € 200.00 annually.
Year | Annual Electricits Costs | Annual Savings | Overall Savings |
1 | 0,2609 € | 120,01 € | 120,01 € |
2 | 0,2739 € | 126,01 € | 246,03 € |
3 | 0,2876 € | 132,32 € | 378,34 € |
4 | 0,3020 € | 138,93 € | 517,28 € |
5 | 0,3171 € | 145,88 € | 663,15 € |
6 | 0,3330 € | 153,17 € | 816,32 € |
7 | 0,3496 € | 160,83 € | 977,16 € |
8 | 0,3671 € | 168,87 € | 1.146,03 € |
9 | 0,3855 € | 177,32 € | 1.323,34 € |
10 | 0,4047 € | 186,18 € | 1.509,52 € |
11 | 0,4250 € | 195,49 € | 1.705,01 € |
12 | 0,4462 € | 205,26 € | 1.910,28 € |
13 | 0,4685 € | 215,53 € | 2.125,81 € |
14 | 0,4920 € | 226,30 € | 2.352,11 € |
15 | 0,5166 € | 237,62 € | 2.589,73 € |
16 | 0,5424 € | 249,50 € | 2.839,23 € |
17 | 0,5695 € | 261,98 € | 3.101,21 € |
18 | 0,5980 € | 275,07 € | 3.376,28 € |
19 | 0,6279 € | 288,83 € | 3.665,11 € |
20 | 0,6593 € | 303,27 € | 3.968,38 € |
► Keen on savings? Please contact us any time for an offer...>>